Complex & Interpersonal Dynamics in Dispute Resolution
CSDR 1110
York University, School of Continuing Studies

Instructor: Marc Bhalla, LLM
Featuring Special Guest Instructor: Andrea Menard, LLB LLM

Course Outline:

This course will build upon the foundation of basic training to focus on complexities of dispute resolution in practice. Students will develop skills to address challenging dynamics of deeply personal issues, systemic bias, power imbalance, trauma, and cultural difference. Complex party dynamics in inter-generational, estate and healthcare conflict settings will be considered, along with the role of Indigenous approaches, online tools, and mastery of self-awareness to effectively navigate challenging conflict with high emotion and in rapidly growing areas.

Students will learn institutionally disruptive approaches to power and privilege in dispute resolution grounded in truth, capacity building for decolonization, and Indigenization that help professionals understand their roles in equity, inclusion, and reconciliation. They will develop a greater understanding to Indigenous approaches and ways of knowing (e.g. restorative processes and healing circles) without appropriation or tokenism using local Indigenous knowledges and trauma-informed approaches.

Click here to learn more about the program.