Andrea Menard x Marc Bhalla academic collaboration.     Exploring how to be an authentic ally to Indigenous Peoples.     An Indigenous and non-Indigenous connection.     Established 2021.

Do Not Feed the Ally

I am fasting on May 11th. From sunrise to sunset.

The reason I am fasting is to demonstrate my support of and commitment to Moose Hide Campaign.

While I wear my pin throughout the year to help raise awareness and instigate conversation, May 11th is a special day for the cause as it represents the official 2023 Moose Hide Campaign Day.

On this day, Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous allies will gather to call for the end of gender-based violence on these lands. Join us!

This day of ceremony will be commemorated far and wide. You are welcome to join me in fasting but that is not the only way that you can show support. Click here to learn more about all of the different ways you can honour Campaign Day.

Beyond May 11th, you can donate to this charity (registration #78369 6479RR0001), register on their site for news/updates and proudly wear your pin to demonstrate that you will not stand idle while preventable gender-based violence remains so prominent, with Indigenous women three times more likely to experience it than their non-Indigenous counterparts.

The Authentic Allyship Project is proud to have Moose Hide Campaign's support in raising funds through our soon-to-be-released book - Reflections on Allyship. Please click here (or on the cover photo below) to pre-order and learn more.

However you opt to commemorate Moose Hide Campaign Day on May 11th, your help in drawing awareness to this cause is appreciated.

I'll finish by extending to you the same offer I extend to my students... if you are interested in receiving a Moose Hide pin, simply send me an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a mailing address and I will send one your way at zero cost to you.